ERC Board of Directors

Glen Wilkinson - Founder
Glen returned back to NH from Michigan in 2009 and decided that he needed a change in his life. After running three years on the Gilford Cross Country team, he decided that his 30+ year hiatus from running was over. He started going to the gym with his then 68yo father. By the following March, he ran in his first 5k, finishing in less than 30 minutes. Two years later he broke the 20 minute line at the age of 47. He started the Exeter Run Club on Facebook and did not do anything with it until he, Christopher Surrette, Jason Proulx and Alison Kolozsvary decided to run on July 4th 2011. That is when the Exeter Run Club was born. His goal is to qualify for Boston, but first he needs to run a marathon without getting injured during the training.

Steve Machala - ERC President
Steve is an Illinois transplant that moved to Exeter 10 years ago with his sons Steven and Adam and wife Brenda-Sue. For most of Steve’s life, he had been overweight and 7 years ago when he was going to a 2XL he decided it was time for a change. By doing Weight Watchers and working out at the YMCA and with the Exeter Run Club, Steve has maintained his loss of 50 lbs. Like many of you, he was very intimidated by the thought of coming to a Sunday morning ERC session. In retrospect, now knowing how friendly everyone is he would have attended the Wednesday trail runs, Sunday morning run, and enjoyed the opportunity to meet a great group of people. Steve also enjoys doing the Saturday bike ride with the group and doing town redlining on the weekend.
Scott Hatch - ERC Vice President
Scott spent his younger years being a three sport Captain in high school and to this day holds the mile record of 4:40 and the cross country record of a 15:28 2.8 mile course at his old high school. He strayed from running until the untimely death of a friend in January 2013. While celebrating the life of his friend his twin sister, a phenomenal athlete and triathlon runner told him about her idea of running the Grand Canyon to celebrate her 50th birthday. Scott asked to join and the following day bought a plane ticket to Arizona. Scott lost 54 pounds in four months and in April 2013 completed the rim to rim to rim Grand Canyon Run.
Those practice sessions for that run took place with many people from the Exeter area thus introducing Scott to the Exeter Run Club. Scott has run 3 marathons including NewYork for team MR8. He has done several Century bike rides and 8 RTB relays as well as a Key West and Cape Cod relay. Scott is coming back from PF issues and continues to move forward with this awesome group of people. He loves “no runner left behind” and looks forward to many more exciting years with ERC.

Kay Maneen - ERC Treasurer
Kay recalled a love of running along with several other sports starting in grade school. Once in High School, she joined the girls track and cross country teams. Her favorites were the 440-yard "dash" and the mile races. While working in Boston the late 1980's, she trained and ran a Boston Marathon (this was prior to qualifying times!). Thereafter, her career intensified and running took a back seat for many years. Other sports (windsurfing, softball, golf, and downhill skiing) prevailed. Then in 2012, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and in 2014 had a scare with another potential cancer. Once recovered, Kay resumed running along the NH seacoast as a therapeutic way to calm her mind. A few years thereafter, she discovered ERC. Since then, she's joined several ERC members running half marathons (all sub 2.0"s) and two Reach-the-Beaches. ERC members have always been warm, welcoming and inclusive!
Linnea Hauthaway - ERC Officer-At-Large
I have been a member of the Exeter Run Club for 10 years and have been a runner for over 40 years (YIKES!) For the extent of my crazy long running adventure I have always been a mid- to back-of-the-pack runner. I figure one day if I’m old enough maybe I’ll finally place in my age group. Honestly, though, speed and winning races has never been my goal. I enjoy running for the time outside, for the comradery of running with friends and for all the fabulous physical and mental health benefits. In the last several years I have discovered a love of trail running and have completed two 50K races. I have been so fortunate to have developed best friends through running. ERC has a special place in my heart. I clearly remember posting on the facebook page asking if I came out would anyone be willing to run with me as I was terrified I would be too slow. I immediately got a response from Bill Meehan saying he would stay with me and the rest is history. I have always appreciated how welcoming the group is to all paces and abilities. Currently, I am recovering from meniscus surgery but look forward to getting back out there soon to both walk and run with the group.
Mark Howard- ERC Secretary
I have been a member for 5 years and would like to make a contribution to the operation of the club. ERC is an incredible community of runners and does so much to support local organizations and causes. I would look forward to helping expand our local presence, and, of course, to promote the club and the sport of running. I have been a runner for over 30 years and with each year I love the sport more and more. Recently I volunteered to coordinate the ERC summer track workouts on behalf of the Board to give our runners the opportunity to work out together, and improve their speed and conditioning. I live in Exeter with my wife Sheryl, also an ERC member, and I spend my time trying to keep up with her! In terms of experience in leadership and management, I have been a lawyer and a judge for 35 years, and I have served on several boards and committees over the decades. Most recently, I served for several years on the Lamprey Health Care Board of Directors as a member and as President

Kurtis Alves- ERC Membership
I have been a member for 4 years and would like to make a contribution to the operation of the club. ERC is an incredible community of runners and does so much to support local organizations and causes. I would look forward to helping expand our local presence, and, of course, to promote the club and the sport of running. I have been a runner for over 30 years and with each year I love the sport more and more. Recently I volunteered to coordinate the ERC summer track workouts on behalf of the Board to give our runners the opportunity to work out together, and improve their speed and conditioning. I live in Exeter with my wife Sheryl, also an ERC member, and I spend my time trying to keep up with her! In terms of experience in leadership and management, I have been a lawyer and a judge for 35 years, and I have served on several boards and committees over the decades. Most recently, I served for several years on the Lamprey Health Care Board of Directors as a member and as President.

Carrie Anne Becker - ERC Social Media
I am a mom of two very active boys, a 200 hour RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) and 100 hour MYT (Mindful Yoga Therapy), runner, and cheerleader of all walks of life. I live in North Hampton with my family, three dogs, and a cat. I initially started running when we moved to NH from MA and couldn’t find a co-ed basketball league on the Seacoast. I firmly believe that lacing up and putting one foot in front of the other at any pace makes you a runner and that no runner should ever be left behind or feel intimidated to show up for an event. I have been active in various virtual and IRL running communities. I am currently a Pickybar Ambadassador, a Bocogear Ambassador, a Oiselle Volée Team Leader, Nuun Ambassador, and was one of the OG BAMRbassadors for Another Mother Runner. Having been a member of ERC for the past 4 years, I feel it is time to give back to our local community. I have met many close friends through ERC and have participated in a variety of their events. ERC is a fantastic community, so it is time for me to give back what they have given me.